Tcl_Stub_Library_Debug 和 TK_Stub_Library_Debug 已被移除。
此模块查找 Tcl stub 库。它会先通过调用 FindTCL.cmake 来查找 Tcl 包含文件和库。如何使用 Tcl Stubs 库
使用 Stub 库
TCL_STUB_LIBRARY = path to Tcl stub library
TK_STUB_LIBRARY = path to Tk stub library
TTK_STUB_LIBRARY = path to ttk stub library
为消除一些混乱并解决某些不一定是 Tcl/Tk 高手/开发人员的问题,移动或删除了一些变量。与 CMake 2.4 相比的变更:
=> these libs are not packaged by default with Tcl/Tk distributions.
Even when Tcl/Tk is built from source, several flavors of debug libs
are created and there is no real reason to pick a single one
specifically (say, amongst tclstub84g, tclstub84gs, or tclstub84sgx).
Let's leave that choice to the user by allowing him to assign
TCL_STUB_LIBRARY to any Tcl library, debug or not.